International Transport Forum – 2018 Summit on transport Safety and Security round-up


More than 1 300 participants from 74 countries on five continents, including 40 Ministers with responsibility for transport attended last week the International Transport Forum’s Summit on « Transport Safety and Security » in Leipzig, Germany, held under the presidency of Latvia. The Summit spanned over three tightly packed days, which included high-level events.

Among the highlights were a joint Declaration by Ministers from the 59 ITF member countries, in which they underlined the critical importance of keeping transport safe, secure and resilient in order to enable societies and economies to prosper; a three-point plan to reduce the number of road deaths proposed by HRH Prince Michael of Kent and the publication of the 2018 Road Safety Annual Report.

More information can be found here.



Establishment of the first regional Road Safety Observatory in Africa

The World Bank, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), and the International Transport Forum (ITF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 23 May 2018 in Leipzig, for the establishment of the first regional Road Safety Observatory in Africa.

The MoU follows a resolution signed in February 2018 by Benin, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania, confirming their interest in the project. These seven African countries are currently working on finalising the Observatory’s governance structure and funding mechanism.

The MoU signing was attended by Morocco’s Vice-Minister of Transport, Mr. Mohamed Najib Boulif, whose country has offered to host the Observatory.

The launch of the Observatory was announced on the opening day of the International Transport Forum’s Summit – the world’s largest gathering of transport ministers and policy makers – which this year focuses specifically on transport safety and security.

The full Press Release can be found here.