The EU-funded EuroMed Transport Support Project successfully concluded its Regional Workshop on assessing progress, sharing best practices and planning the way ahead, held in Brussels on 11-12 October 2022.
Given the momentum of the forthcoming organization of the Conference of the Ministers responsible for Transport of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), during which the new RTAP 2021-2027 for the Mediterranean Region is expected to be endorsed, the Workshop provided an excellent opportunity to assess the overall progress so far, share best regional practices and challenges and plan for the way ahead until the end of the project’s life in December 2023.
The workshop brought together more than 20 EuroMed Partner country experts with representatives and experts from the European Commission (DG NEAR and DG MOVE), the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Economic and Social Commission of Western Asia (UNESCWA), the MobiliseYourCity Partnership and the International Road Transport Union (IRU), as well as the full EuroMed Transport Support Project Team.
During the 2-day Workshop, the participants discussed on the most recent developments and related challenges in the region and worldwide, in the area of transport facilitation, safety, sustainable development, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) implementation in reducing GHG emission in urban areas and climate change and shared related national, European and international experiences. The EuroMed partner countries expressed their utmost satisfaction with the results achieved by the project up to now and the support by the Project Team while, at the same time, reiterated their need for further support in their efforts to implement the RTAP 2014-2020 and RTAP 2021-2027. The priorities for the final year of the project were also identified, on the basis of the EuroMed partner countries needs and exchanges with the Project Team and the workplan for 2023 will be updated accordingly.
The Workshop material can be found here.