The Project is pursuing the following key objectives:
- Support the Southern Mediterranean Partner Countries in the implementation of the regulatory aspects of the Regional Transport Action Plan 2014-2020 specifically in the field of road and urban transport;
- Contribute to the creation of an integrated transport system in the Mediterranean.
Based on the above-listed objectives, the project’s purpose will be to.
- Increase the sustainability and performance of transport operations in the Mediterranean region;
- Enhance safety in transport operations;
- Increase efficiency / lower costs of transport operations;
- Lower environmental impact of transport operations, thus contributing to regional economic integration, economic well-being and job creation.
Building on the above main objectives, will be the key task of the project’s work in the South Mediterranean region. More precisely the project will:
- Further encourage the accession to and support the implementation of relevant UNECE agreements with a view to promote harmonized transport regulations in the region;
- Assist the creation and operation of urban transport authorities and support the roll-out of efficient and innovative fleet management solutions, in line with the EU SUMP guidelines;
- Upon request of partner countries, help them progress on specific regulatory reform actions of the RTAP not covered by any other EuroMed TA project;
- Identify specific priorities and objectives, which are relevant to the country’s circumstances;
- Create awareness around its activities among relevant stakeholders in partner countries and in Europe.